MEET Cadence.

Cadence is a self-taught artist specializing in freehand painted vinyl records, watercolor paintings, and handpainted stationery.

What started out as an experiment with scratched up vinyls and cheap acrylic paint soon became the creative outlet she didn’t know she needed. A few years into making vinyls she started playing with watercolor, finding herself intrigued by how different the medium is from her usual acrylic. A commonality in Cadence’s work is symmetry, repetitious patterns, and playful color.

Cadence especially enjoys collaborating with the client to create the perfect piece of art for their own taste and space. A painted vinyl record can be a beautiful way to commemorate a favorite artist, album, or concert. Cadence finds meaning and fulfillment in creating something that will bring others joy, whether that is painting the vinyl of a couples’ first dance, or creating a watercolor painting that brings the client’s vision to life.


Photograph by Joan Fisher for Terrace House - A Modern Counseling Space